Gynaecologist in Indore

It is not always easy for all the couples out there to get pregnant. Sometimes, things get complicated as conception depends on several factors. Being a gynaecologist in Indore, we have come up with this blog post to present you with a couple of tips to boost your fertility. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief:

1 – Watch Your Weight

Appropriate weight, for a woman, is very crucial to be able to conceive. Overweight and underweight, can affect a woman’s fertility. Speak to your gynecologist to know about your ideal weight. Your gynecologist can determine the ideal weight for you based on your BMI factor.

2 – Cut Down On Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol both can bring down your fertility level by around 50 percent. Substances as such also reduce the sperm count and degrade its quality in men. So, if you are planning for a pregnancy, maintain a distance from caffeine, alcohol, and other related products.

3 – Do Not Stress Too Much

It is crucial for couples who are trying for a baby to keep stress at bay. Stress leads to certain hormonal changes in our body, which will in turn affect your fertility. Stress has the power to impede a woman’s menstrual cycle and lower the sperm count in men. As a doctor in Indore for Gynecology-Obstetrics, we would suggest you learn stress management techniques.

4 – Stay Away From the Laptop

This tip is especially for men. Working for an extended period with the laptop on the lap is not good for your sperm. Excessive heat has been proven to be harmful to sperm. Over time, it will degrade the quality of your sperm. The same is also true with hot tubs, saunas, and tight-fitting underwear.

5 – Have More Sex

The chances of conception are higher among women who have regular sex in comparison to those who have sporadic sex. Having sex every two days can also lead to a balanced menstrual cycle and healthy ovulation.

Final Words:

We hope the above-mentioned tips would help you boost your fertility level. If it doesn’t, feel free to get in touch with us. As a gynecologist, we have helped numerous couples achieve parenthood, and you could be the next one.
