
Several gynecological conditions can impact a woman’s reproductive system negatively, and endometriosis is one of them. Along with being one of the most common gynecological conditions, endometriosis is painful and hard to cope with. You must be able to distinguish the symptoms of endometriosis from the symptoms of other gynecological conditions. To have a proper endometriosis treatment, it needs to be diagnosed in the very first place. With this blog post, we are going to introduce you to a couple of signs and symptoms of endometriosis that will enable you identify the condition and book an appointment with your gynecologist at the earliest.

What is Endometriosis?

When the endometrial tissue starts growing outside the uterus, it is referred to as the condition of endometriosis. In most of the cases, the condition of endometriosis often goes unnoticed. Retrograde menstruation and estrogen are the two most common causes of endometriosis. If left untreated, the condition of endometriosis can lead to ovarian cancer. Endometriosis is also a well-known cause of infertility in women. Thankfully, endometriosis can be treated effectively, if detected early. So, let us have a look at the signs and symptoms of endometriosis without wasting any time:

1 – Excessive bleeding

Excessive bleeding during or in between your period can be a sign of endometriosis. You will find difficulty to deal with the flow that may completely drench your pads and tampons.

2 – Painful sex

Experiencing pain during or after intercourse with some bleeding can also be a sign of endometriosis.

3 – Trouble getting pregnant

Inability to conceive a child despite having unprotected sex for over 6 months is yet another sign of endometriosis.

In addition to the things said above, there are many other signs and symptoms of endometriosis that include, but not limited to fatigue, bloating, nausea, constipation, and feeling low in energy. If you have been experiencing any of these symptoms, you must seek a gynecologist’s help without any delay.

Final Words:

The condition of endometriosis can be successfully managed if it is diagnosed at the right time. There are several treatment options for endometriosis, which includes but not limited to medication, surgical procedures, therapy, diet, and that’s just the beginning. If you have any inquiries regarding your reproductive health, feel free to get in touch with Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee.
