How to Reverse PCOS with Diet and Lifestyle?

The most common reason for PCOS is excessive weight gain. According to a study, around 50% of women suffering from PCOS are overweight. The excess weight leads to increase in hormones levels, which result in excessive hair growth and other problems.

PCOS can be reversed with diet and lifestyle changes, so let’s discuss the effective ways to reverse PCOS with diet and lifestyle.

Diet is the first step to reverse PCOS

It is the most common mistake of women that they start dieting just after the diagnosis. If you have gained more weight than the required amount, then you need to cut down your food intake. In this case, you need to consume the diet that is low in carbs and high in protein.

You need to add lots of green vegetables to your diet, as it will keep you hydrated for a longer time. Also, you can consume more fruits, nuts and seeds as they are loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Consume foods rich in vitamin D

It is one of the most important factors to reverse PCOS, as vitamin D is known for its anti-inflammatory and hormonal balance properties. You need to consume vitamin D rich foods like eggs, fish, milk, cheese, fortified cereals, etc.

Exercise is another important factor

Exercise is the best way to reduce weight, but if you have gained too much weight, then you need to make some changes in your routine. Start a yoga session or do light cardio for 30 to 45 minutes.

Lifestyle is the final step to reverse PCOS

It is the most important factor to reverse PCOS. Women who are overweight are more prone to develop PCOS. You need to consume less alcohol, limit your caffeine intake, don’t drink a lot of water, and avoid spicy food and junk food.


In conclusion, these were the most effective ways to reverse PCOS. All the women who are suffering from this disease need to follow these tips to live a healthy and happy life.

